Relevant documentation
Find below the latest permitting, endorsed documents for the permit process on the project, and also the committee minutes from each meeting that is conducted around the project.
Planning Permits
Golden Plains Planning Permit
Corangamite Shire Planning Permit
Planning Permits Panel Report
Transmission Line Planning Permit
Associated documentation
Endorsed Environmental Management Plan
Endorsed Pre-Construction TV & Radio Reception Survey
Endorsed Traffic Management Plan
Endorsed Complaint Investigation & Response Plan
Endorsed Pre Development Noise Assessment
Endorsed Noise Compliance Test Plan
Endorsed Landscape Screening Program
Endorsed Sediment Erosion & Water Quality Management Plan
Bushfire Management Plan
Endorsed Turbine Elevation Plan
Community engagement committee minutes
The minutes of all the meetings held by this Committee are available at the Moyne Shire website.
You might also be interested in
Detailed information about the Community Engagement and Benefit Sharing Plan associated to the project during the Construction and Operation phases can be found here.
Find answers to your frequently asked questions about permitting, noise, shadow flicker, local employment and other questions here.