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Berrybank 2 Wind Farm frequently asked questions

Renewable energy

What is renewable energy?

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) states that renewable energy is produced using natural resources that are constantly replaced and never run out. Just as there are many natural sources of energy, there are many renewable energy technologies.

What is wind energy?

Wind energy is generated by harnessing the power of the wind through wind turbines. It is a great alternative to burning fossil fuels like coal, because wind energy does not produce greenhouse gas emissions.

How do wind farms generate energy?

Wind farms are located in areas of land where individual wind turbines are connected to the electricity grid. Those wind turbines use the energy of the wind to spin an electric generator, which produces electricity. Wind flows over the blades like air flowing over an aeroplane wing. This flow of air causes a difference in air pressure between the top and bottom of the blade, moving the blade and making the central rotor spin. The rotor drives a generator that produces energy to export to the grid.

Why is there increasing support of renewable energy generation from solar plants and wind farms?

Science based evidence has demonstrated that human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases is driving global warming. Fossil fuel burning (coal, oil, and natural gas) for energy consumption is the main source of these emissions.

In 2015, 196 nations agreed to a legally binding international treatment on climate change that is called the Paris Agreement. Its goal is to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably by 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. In order to achieve this goal, countries across the world are transitioning their energy generation systems from fossil fuels to renewable energy such as wind and solar.

Can renewable energy technologies provide a reliable supply of electricity?

Renewable energy technologies generate electricity intermittently, as the wind does not continuously blow and the solar radiation intensity is not constant. Nevertheless, different ways to use energy from wind and sun have been developed to maintain a reliable supply of electricity, such as pairing wind farms with solar farms and/or energy storage such as batteries.

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The company

Who is Naturgy Group?

Naturgy Group, parent company of GPG, is a pioneering multinational group in gas and electricity integration, operating in more than 20 countries, with 16 million customers, and 9,335 employees, of which more than 50% work outside of Spain. As of 2020, the Group has an installed capacity of 15,333 MW, an EBITDA of 3,714 million euros and the value of its assets amounts to 39,545 million euros.

Who is Global Power Generation?

Global Power Generation (GPG) is the international energy generation arm of Spain-based Naturgy Group (Naturgy). GPG has accumulated extensive experience developing over 4GW of power generation projects in 9 countries across the world and currently employs around 520 people worldwide.

Who is Global Power Generation Australia?

GPG Australia is the Australian entity of GPG, established to develop, construct and operate renewable assets in Australia based on the valuable experience and expertise of its mother company, GPG, and its mother group, Naturgy, in the renewable energy sector.

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The project

Where is the Berrybank 2 wind farm site located?

The Berrybank 2 wind farm site is located on an area covering about 5,000 hectares within the Victorian district known as the Western Plains, located with the Corangamite and Golden Plains Local Government Areas.

How many wind turbines will be installed and how much power will the facility generate?

The wind farm comprises 26 Vestas V136 -4.2 MW wind turbines with a total output of approximately 109.2 MW.

How the wind farm will be connected to the grid?

It will be connected to the high voltage transmission network via the existing Berrybank 1 wind farm 132 kV, overhead transmission lines and connect into the Ballarat-Terang 500 kV transmission lines.

How much energy will be generated by the wind farm?

The Berrybank 2 wind farm is designed to generate the energy needed to power the equivalent of 71,000 households.

How much greenhouse gases will the Berrybank 2 wind farm displace?

The Berrybank 2 wind farm will annually save 390,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide that would have been emitted to the atmosphere if the energy would be generated by conventional energy technologies.

Who are the main contractors involved in the construction and operation of the wind farm?

Vestas Australian Wind Technology is the turbine contractor to supply and install the wind turbines, as well as the operations and maintenance contractor.

Bielby and RJE Global are the contractors for the civil and electrical works respectively.

TransGrid is the contractor for the design, construction and operation of the connection assets.

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Has GPG received the necessary permits for the Berrybank 2 wind farm?

The wind farm was originally approved in 2010 for 99 turbines, and later amended in 2018 for a blade tip height of 180 m and a reduction in turbines to 79. Berrybank 1 wind farm has been constructed with 43 turbines and Berrybank 2 wind farm will join with 26 turbines. 

Relevant copies of our project documents can be found in the section of Relevant Documentation on this website.

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When will construction of the Berrybank 2 wind farm commence, and when is it projected to conclude?

Construction commenced in April of 2021, with commercial operations beginning in March of 2022. We will provide regular updates to the community via our newsletter and on this website.

Will the construction of the wind farm increase traffic on local roads?

During construction there will be a considerable increase in traffic on the local roads around the wind farm construction site. The traffic will be managed according to an endorsed Traffic Management Plan which will set out all requirements for all vehicle movements that are associated for the wind farm construction.

An on site batching plant for the concrete will reduce the number of trucks that use the roads during civil works. During the installation of the wind turbine components it is also expected to see movements from oversized heavy vehicles with those components, which will be under escort from pilot vehicles.

Our contractors will aim to impact the local roads as little as possible during the construction of the wind farm.

What type of construction activities should we expect for the wind farm?

During construction you will see different types of activities on site such as: stripping of topsoil with graders, excavating turbine foundations with excavators, pouring concrete foundations with concrete agitators, and pumping trucks, delivering turbine components via semi-trailer trucks, erecting turbine components using a 750 tonne crane, etc.

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Operation and decommissioning

When is the Berrybank 2 wind farm expected to commence operations?

We expect that commercial operations at the Berrybank 2 wind farm will commence in March 2022.

What is the expected lifetime of the Berrybank 2 wind farm?

GPG Australia is an independent power producer, and operate its renewable energy plants for the duration of their design life – which is approximately 30 years.

How will GPG manage the end-of-life decommissioning of the facility?

As a subsidiary of Spanish utility Naturgy Group, GPG is an experienced and responsible global developer and operator of power generation assets. GPG has a long-term owner vision and intends to operate the wind farms for the 30-year design life in partnership with the community. At the end of the operating life of the wind farms, GPG is committed to fulfilling all decommissioning responsibilities and returning the site/land to the local community.

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Local Content and Employment

Do you use Australian suppliers and contractors?

We are committed to supporting the development of Australia’s renewable energy industry by utilising a substantial proportion of local content in our facilities, and employing local members of the community both directly, and indirectly through our contractors.

How many local jobs will be created to build and operate the Berrybank 2 wind farm?

The Berrybank 2 wind farm will create more than 200 direct jobs during the construction phase, and at least a further 6 permanent jobs will be created to support the ongoing operations of the wind farm.

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Community Engagement

How will GPG contribute to the local community?

GPG is committed to keeping an appropriate level of social license with the community through the lifetime of the wind farm. In addition to utilising local content and local employment, GPG will contribute to the development of the community through the implementation of Community Engagement and Benefit Sharing Plan. This plan includes a range of different initiatives such as a Neighbours Benefit Program, which will be available to all residents close to our wind farms as compensation for the potential impacts of the wind farms. In addition, GPG will fund a Community Grants Program that will invest in local projects or initiatives identified by a committee that GPG will create with the local community.

Who do I contact to receive regular updates or to address my concerns?

If you would like to receive a regular newsletter about the progress of the Berrybank 2 wind farm or if you have any feedback, please visit the section Contact Us on this website.

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How will GPG mitigate the impact of the Berrybank 2 wind farm on the environment?

We are committed to minimising our environmental footprint and protecting the unique local environments in which we operate and have implemented multiple initiatives to achieve this goal.

These include:

  • Acoustic amenity – we have engaged Marshall Day Acoustics (MDA), one of the world’s largest and most respected acoustic consultancies, to conduct environmental noise assessments to ensure that the Berrybank 2 wind farm is in compliance with the relevant standards.
  • Visual amenity – all residents within 4km of any turbine will have the option to receive off-site landscaping or other treatments to reduce the visual impact of the turbines. The specific type of screening will be determined through mutual agreement between GPG Australia and the landowner. Further information can be found in the approved Landscape Screening Program that will be uploaded in the section Relevant Documentation on this website.
  • Flora and fauna – GPG is also committed to undertaking stringent monitoring program for operation, and a plan for response in relation to any threatened species, including mitigation.
How will GPG manage bushfire risks at the Berrybank 2 wind farm?

GPG is committed to minimizing the risk of fires related to our wind farms. For example, the base of the wind turbines is separated from vegetation by a cleared gravel area which minimises risk of grass fires. The access tracks can allow more mobility of fire fighting vehicles and act as a fire break for grass fires.

 GPG also collaborates with the Victorian Country Fire Authority (CFA) and will invite them to regularly visit the site so that they have a clear understanding of the facility. Additionally, 6 new water tanks have been provided for CFA-use-only, with capacity of 45,000L each.

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About us


The project

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Detailed information about the Community Engagement and Benefit Sharing Plan associated to the project during the Construction and Operation phases can be found here 

Relevant documentation

Get access to endorsements and permitting documentation for all key aspects of the project from compliance, modifications and all plans for key assessments.